
Karen M Trotter, Director & Nancy Oliver, Co-Director

Karen Trotter - Director
Karen sang in all different types of choirs throughout her many (many) years of school.  In 1978, she discovered barbershop and has never looked back.  She has been a member of Harmony Inc since 1982 - 40+ years and counting - and has been the director of Harmony Falls since January 1990. 

Karen has also sung in many quartets over the years and was an Internationl Harmony Queen in 1986 as part of the quartet Four in Accord.  Karen currently sings in quartets MetaFour and MetAL, as well as the Horsehead/Elmira=based barbershop chorus Crystal Chords.

Although not formally trained in music (her PhD is in Microbiology and her professional life was spent teaching Vet students at Cornell), she has managed to soak up an enormous amount of knowledge from classes and training programs created specifically for the barbershop style.

Karen believes the best kind of performance is comedy.

Nancy Oliver - Co-Director
Nancy Oliver is a longtime Trumansburg resident and joined Harmony Falls in 2014. Nancy attended Shenandoah College & Conservatoryof Music (Shenandoah University in Winchester VA and was the director of her church choir from 1986-1992.

Nancy's first quartet experience was singing lead for the Microtones in 2014.  A shift in personnel in 2015 resulted in the formation of a new quartet: N2Q.  Nancy has been singing Lead with N2Q since it's beginning and they are still going strong.

In 2017, Nancy was approached to be the Assistant Director of Harmony Falls, which she happily accepted.
Copyright © 2025 Harmony Falls Chorus